function (content, topic, Name_label, subgroup, outcome_label, outcome_type, displaynames, threshold_observations, threshold_value, benchmark_value, benchmark_label, data_type, output_type, x_min, x_max, theme) { `%notin%` <- Negate(`%in%`) if ( | benchmark_value == "NULL") { benchmark_value <- NA } benchmark_value <- as.numeric(benchmark_value) threshold_value <- as.numeric(threshold_value) threshold_observations <- as.numeric(threshold_observations) x_min <- as.numeric(x_min) x_max <- as.numeric(x_max) study_results <- ifelse(displaynames == "groups", FALSE, TRUE) subgroup <- ifelse(displaynames == "groups", "YES", subgroup) if ( { x <- content } else { first.row <- substr(content, 1, regexpr("\n", content)) num.columns <- str_count(first.row, ",") temp <- content temp <- gsub("\r", " ", fixed = TRUE, temp) temp <- gsub("\n", " ", fixed = TRUE, temp) temp <- gsub("\t", " ", fixed = TRUE, temp) temp <- gsub(",", "\",\"", fixed = TRUE, temp) temp <- paste("\"", temp, "\"", sep = "") temp <- paste("Mymatrix <- matrix(c(", temp, "), ncol=", num.columns, ", byrow=TRUE)") x <- eval(parse(file = "", n = NULL, text = temp)) } first.row.header <- FALSE if ([1, 5])) == TRUE) { first.row.header <- TRUE } if (first.row.header == TRUE) { x <- x[-c(1), ] } x <- x[!([, 5])) == TRUE), ] data <- data.frame(x) remove(x) column.names <- c("Name", "ID", "Group", "Outcomes", "Observations") colnames(data) <- column.names if (data_type == "m") { data$PosParenth1 <- regexpr("(", data$Outcomes, fixed = TRUE) data$PosParenth2 <- regexpr(")", data$Outcomes, fixed = TRUE) data$Mean <- as.numeric(substring(data$Outcomes, 1, data$PosParenth1 - 1)) data$sd <- as.numeric(substring(data$Outcomes, data$PosParenth1 + 1, data$PosParenth2 - 1)) } else { data$Outcomes <- ifelse($Outcomes), 0, data$Outcomes) } data$Name <- str_trim(as.character(data$Name)) data$ID <- str_trim(as.character(data$ID)) data$Observations <- as.numeric(as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.character(str_trim(data$Observations))))) size = nrow(data) size_population = sum(data$Observations) if (data_type == "m") { data$Mean <- as.numeric(as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.character(str_trim(data$Mean))))) data$Outcome.value <- data$Mean data$sd <- as.numeric(data$sd) data$product <- (data$Mean * data$Observations) mean_population <- (sum(data$product))/size_population data <- data[order(data$Mean), ] } if (data_type == "p") { data$Outcomes <- as.numeric(as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.character(str_trim(data$Outcomes))))) data$Outcome.value <- data$Outcomes/data$Observations (proportion_population <- sum(data$Outcomes)/sum(data$Observations)) variance <- sum(data$Observations) * (proportion_population * (1 - proportion_population)) ( <- sqrt(variance)) test <- 0.1 (probability <- pbinom(test, size = size, prob = proportion_population, lower.tail = TRUE, log = FALSE)) (probability <- pnorm(test, mean = proportion_population, sd =, log = FALSE)) data <- data[order(data$Outcome.value), ] } if (data_type == "c") { data$Outcomes <- as.numeric(as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.character(str_trim(data$Outcomes))))) for (i in 1:nrow(data)) { data$ci.l[i] <- poisson.test(data$Outcomes[i])$[1] data$ci.u[i] <- poisson.test(data$Outcomes[i])$[2] } z_score <- qnorm(0.975) data$se <- (data$ci.u - data$ci.l)/(2 * z_score) data <- data[order(data$Outcomes), ] } if (data_type == "p") { if (subgroup == "YES") { meta1 <- metaprop(Outcomes, Observations, studlab = Name, subgroup = Group, data = data, method = "GLMM", hakn = TRUE, fixed = FALSE, title = "Rates") } else { meta1 <- metaprop(Outcomes, Observations, studlab = Name, data = data, method = "GLMM", hakn = TRUE, fixed = FALSE, title = "Rates") } (paste(meta1$lower, inv.logit(meta1$TE), meta1$upper)) } if (data_type == "m") { if (subgroup == "YES") { meta1 <- metamean(Observations, Mean, sd, studlab = Name, subgroup = Group, data = data, fixed = FALSE, sm = "MLN", hakn = TRUE, title = "Means") } else { meta1 <- metamean(Observations, Mean, sd, studlab = Name, data = data, fixed = FALSE, sm = "MLN", hakn = TRUE, title = "Means") } (paste(meta1$lower, meta1$TE, meta1$upper)) } if (data_type == "c") { if (subgroup == "YES") { meta1 <- metagen(Outcomes, se, studlab = Name, subgroup = Group, data = data, fixed = FALSE, title = "Counts") } else { meta1 <- metagen(Outcomes, se, studlab = Name, data = data, fixed = FALSE, title = "Counts") } (paste(meta1$lower, meta1$TE, meta1$upper)) } summary(meta1) (TE = round(meta1$TE.random, 2)) (TE_text = paste("Rate: ", TE, " (", round(meta1$lower.random, 2), " - ", round(meta1$upper.random, 2), ")", sep = "")) I2 = round(meta1$I2 * 100, 1) I2.L = round(meta1$lower.I2 * 100, 1) I2.U = round(meta1$upper.I2 * 100, 1) if (output_type == "d") { size <- nrow(data) n <- seq(0, size, by = 1) if (data_type == "m") { densities <- dnorm(n, mean = proportion_population, sd =, log = FALSE) } if (data_type == "p") { densities <- dbinom(n, size = size, prob = proportion_population, log = FALSE) } if (data_type == "c") { stop(paste("densities: for counts not implemented", sep = "")) } adjust = 100/size adjust.axis = 100 if (data_type == "m") { adjust.axis <- 1 } plot(n * adjust, densities/adjust, type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "Probablity of result", main = paste("Distribution of ", outcome_label, " by ", Name_label, sep = ""), xlim = c(0, 100), ylim = c(0, 0.5)) mtext(paste("Results: proportion with ", outcome_label, sep = ""), side = 1, line = 3) x <- seq(0, size, by = 1) densities <- dbinom(x, size = size, prob = proportion_population, log = FALSE) s <- spline(x * adjust, densities, xout = seq(0, 100, by = 1)) lines(s, col = "black") segments(benchmark_value * adjust.axis, 0, benchmark_value * adjust.axis, s$y[1 + benchmark_value * adjust.axis], col = "green") axis(1, at = benchmark_value * adjust.axis, labels = "B", col.ticks = "green", col.axis = "green", col = "green", font = 2, lwd = 2, padj = 1.2, las = 1) axis(1, at = proportion_population * adjust.axis, labels = "M", col.ticks = "blue", col.axis = "blue", col = "blue", lwd = 2, padj = 1.2, las = 1) data.threshold <- data[which(data$Observations >= threshold_observations), ] (nrow(data.threshold)) points(data.threshold$Outcome.value * adjust.axis, s$y[1 + data.threshold$Outcome.value * adjust.axis], col = "black", pch = 19, cex = 1) temp.list <- unique(data.threshold$Outcome.value, incomparables = FALSE) duplicates <- 0 for (i in 1:length(temp.list)) { <- data.threshold[which(data.threshold$Outcome.value == temp.list[i]), ] temp.value <- nrow( if (temp.value > 1) { duplicates <- 1.5 text(temp.list[i] * adjust.axis, s$y[1 +$Outcome.value * adjust.axis], temp.value, pos = 3, col = "black", font = 1) } } if (outcome_type != "NA") { deviants <- data.threshold[which(data.threshold$Observations >= threshold_observations & data.threshold$Outcome.value < threshold_value), ] if (outcome_type == "g") { deviants <- data.threshold[which(data.threshold$Observations >= threshold_observations & data.threshold$Outcome.value > threshold_value), ] } (nrow(deviants)) (temp.list <- unique(deviants$Outcome.value, incomparables = FALSE)) for (i in 1:length(temp.list)) { <- deviants[which(deviants$Outcome.value == temp.list[i]), ] temp.value <- nrow( point.size <- 1 + 0.25 * (temp.value - 1) point.size <- 1 points($Outcome.value * adjust.axis, s$y[1 +$Outcome.value * adjust.axis], col = "green", pch = 19, cex = point.size) if (temp.value > 1) { text(temp.list[i] * adjust.axis, s$y[1 +$Outcome.value * adjust.axis], temp.value, pos = 3, col = "green", font = 2) } } (temp.list <- unique(deviants$Name, incomparables = FALSE)) (deviant.Outcomes <- sum(deviants$Outcomes)) (deviant.Observations <- sum(deviants$Observations)) (deviant.rate <- deviant.Outcomes/deviant.Observations) } textout0 <- paste("Summary:", sep = "") textout1 <- paste("Number of ", Name_label, " assessed: ", size, " (observations: ", size_population, ")", sep = "") textout2 <- paste("Heterogeneity (I2): ", I2, "%", sep = "") textout3 <- paste(" ... among ", Name_label, " with ", threshold_observations, " or more observations: ", round(100 * min(data.threshold$Outcome.value), 0), "% to ", round(100 * max(data.threshold$Outcome.value), 0), "%", sep = "") if (outcome_type != "NA") { textout4 <- paste(" ... among positive deviants: ", round(100 * min(deviants$Outcome.value), 0), "% to ", round(100 * max(deviants$Outcome.value), 0), "%", sep = "") textout5 <- paste("Among local positive deviants:", sep = "") textout6 <- paste(" ", round(100 * deviant.rate, 0), "% (", deviant.Outcomes, " of ", deviant.Observations, " observations) have ", outcome_label, sep = "") if (data_type == "m") { textout6 <- paste(" ", 4.75, " is mean rating", sep = "") } } textout10 <- paste("Legend:", sep = "") textout11 <- paste("Points indicate ", Name_label, " with ", threshold_observations, " or more observations", sep = "") textout12 <- paste("Numbers indicate number of ", Name_label, " with that result (if > 1)", sep = "") textout13 <- paste("M: mean is ", round(proportion_population * 100, 0), "%", sep = "") if (data_type == "m") { textout13 <- paste("M: mean is ", 4, sep = "") } textout14 <- paste("B: ", benchmark_label, ": ", benchmark_value * 100, "%", sep = "") if (data_type == "m") { textout14 <- paste("B: ", benchmark_label, ": ", benchmark_value, sep = "") } xpos <- par("usr")[1] + 2 * strwidth("A") text(xpos, par("usr")[4] - 2 * strheight("A"), textout0, adj = c(0, 0), cex = 1, font = 2) text(xpos, par("usr")[4] - 3.5 * strheight("A"), textout2, adj = c(0, 0), cex = 0.8) if (outcome_type != "NA") { text(xpos, par("usr")[4] - 5 * strheight("A"), textout5, col = "black", font = 1, adj = c(0, 0), cex = 0.8) text(xpos, par("usr")[4] - 6.5 * strheight("A"), textout6, col = "black", font = 1, adj = c(0, 0), cex = 0.8) } xpos <- par("usr")[2] - 2 * strwidth("A") text(xpos, par("usr")[4] - 2 * strheight("A"), textout10, adj = c(1, 0), cex = 1, font = 2) text(xpos, par("usr")[4] - 3.5 * strheight("A"), textout11, adj = c(1, 0), cex = 0.8) if (duplicates == 1.5) { text(xpos, par("usr")[4] - 5 * strheight("A"), textout12, adj = c(1, 0), cex = 0.8) } text(xpos, par("usr")[4] - (5 + duplicates) * strheight("A"), textout13, adj = c(1, 0), cex = 0.8, col = "blue") if (benchmark_value != 0) { text(par("usr")[2] - 2 * strwidth("A"), par("usr")[4] - (6.5 + duplicates) * strheight("A"), textout14, adj = c(1, 0), font = 2, cex = 0.8, col = "green") } } if (output_type == "f") { left.deviants <- NULL right.deviants <- NULL for (i in 1:length(meta1$TE)) { if (data_type == "p") { if (meta1$upper[i] < inv.logit(meta1$TE.random)) { left.deviants <- rbind(left.deviants, meta1$TE[i]) } if (meta1$lower[i] > inv.logit(meta1$TE.random)) { right.deviants <- rbind(right.deviants, meta1$TE[i]) } } if (data_type %in% c("m", "c")) { if (meta1$upper[i] < (meta1$TE.random)) { left.deviants <- rbind(left.deviants, meta1$TE[i]) } if (meta1$lower[i] > (meta1$TE.random)) { right.deviants <- rbind(right.deviants, meta1$TE[i]) } } } (left.deviants) (right.deviants) for (i in 1:length(meta1$TE)) { if (displaynames == "none") { meta1$studlab[i] <- meta1$data$ID[i] } if (displaynames == "selected") { if (data_type == "p") { if (outcome_type == "b" & meta1$upper[i] >= inv.logit(meta1$TE.random)) { meta1$studlab[i] <- meta1$data$ID[i] } if (outcome_type == "g" & meta1$lower[i] <= inv.logit(meta1$TE.random)) { meta1$studlab[i] <- meta1$data$ID[i] } } if (data_type %in% c("m", "c")) { if (outcome_type == "b" & meta1$upper[i] >= meta1$TE.random) { meta1$studlab[i] <- meta1$data$ID[i] } if (outcome_type == "g" & meta1$lower[i] <= meta1$TE.random) { meta1$studlab[i] <- meta1$data$ID[i] } } } } for (i in 1:length(meta1$TE)) { if (data_type == "p") { if (meta1$upper[i] < (inv.logit(meta1$TE.random))) { meta1$studlab[i] <- paste(meta1$studlab[i], "*", sep = "") } if (meta1$lower[i] > (inv.logit(meta1$TE.random))) { meta1$studlab[i] <- paste(meta1$studlab[i], "*", sep = "") } } if (data_type %in% c("m", "c")) { if (meta1$upper[i] < meta1$TE.random) { meta1$studlab[i] <- paste(meta1$studlab[i], "*", sep = "") } if (meta1$lower[i] >= meta1$TE.random) { meta1$studlab[i] <- paste(meta1$studlab[i], "*", sep = "") } } } meta1$studlab if (data_type %in% c("p")) { xlim <- c(0, 1) leftcols = c("studlab", "event", "n") leftlabs = c(Name_label, outcome_label, "Observations") } else if (data_type %in% c("c")) { xlim <- c(0, x_max) leftcols = c("studlab", "TE") leftlabs = c(Name_label, outcome_label) } else { xlim <- c(x_min, x_max) leftcols = c("studlab", "n") leftlabs = c(Name_label, "Observations") } forest(meta1, leftcols = leftcols, leftlabs = leftlabs, sortbar = meta1$TE, study.results = study_results, bysort = TRUE, ref = benchmark_value, xlim = xlim, = TRUE, print.tau2 = FALSE, print.Q = FALSE, print.pval.Q = FALSE, studlab = meta1$studlab) grid.text(topic, 0.5, 0.95, gp = gpar(cex = 1.4)) if (! { grid.text("Notes:", 0.08, 0.08, hjust = 0, gp = gpar(cex = 1, font = 2)) Footer <- NULL Footer <- paste(Footer, "Goal is ", benchmark_label, ": ", benchmark_value, " (solid vertical line)") grid.text(Footer, 0.08, 0.06, hjust = 0, gp = gpar(cex = 1, font = 1)) } } }